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Thread: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    First of all, this thread is going to be long...But in the end it will look something like this:

    This thread is aim to achieve the following:
    • Auto start VirtualBox on user login.
    • Auto start rdesktop when Virtual Machine is booted
    • Auto place rdesktop into workspace 2
    • Resize rdesktop to fit workspace 2
    • Replace Virtual Machine (XP Pro) shell into something lighter
    • Make things pretty
    • Resolve clipboard bug with fullscreen rdesktop
    • Auto shutdown Virtual Machine on shutdown.

    I have tried many methods before and I found this configuration to be the best and most productive, better than seamlessrdp and virtualbox built in seamless. Here are the problems I have had in the past with other methods:

    2X Application Server:
    • Not very stable when moving windows.
    • Caused virtual machine to hang on a few occasions.
    • Higher CPU usage.

    • Not stable when you have too many windows open.
    • Slower, need to script auto login, logoff then launch the seamlessrdp script.
    • Causes higher CPU usage, my laptop heats up more.

    VirtualBox seamless:
    • Too many windows gives problems
    • Apps opened are not on the gnome taskbar like seamlessrdp
    • Again, causes higher CPU usage, my laptop heats up more.

    Regular rdesktop works the best because CPU usage is lower and it is more stable.

    Okie! So let's get started:

    What you need:

    1. VirtualBox Installed and running.
    2. Virtual Machines Installed Running mine is named XP (I Googled [TinyXP Rev09 - eXPerience] because it runs faster)
    3. Remote Assistance Enable (Remote Desktop Enabled).
    4. Compiz Installed and Running
    5. Advanced Desktop Settings Installed (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager).

    Step 1

    Here is the script to start your virtual machine and rdesktop. Copy and paste into a new text file and name it

    # by waspbloke September 2008
    # requires nmap (sudo apt-get install nmap)
    # create your own custom app launchers by calling this script with different app arguments
    # change these vars to reflect your own setup
    GuestIP="" #The external ip of the Virtual Machine
    # check if VM is already running
    # if VM not running start the VM and wait while it boots
    if [ $(VBoxManage -nologo list runningvms | wc -l) = 0 ]; then
    	VBoxHeadless -startvm XP &
    	echo "Please wait, starting VM XP..."
    	sleep 55
    # check if VM's RDP port is ready to connect
    echo "VM started, scanning RDP port 3389..."
    until [  "$RDPstate" = "open" ]
    	# scan port 3389 and send output to file
    	nmap -p 3389 $GuestIP > $PathHere/NMAPout
    	# set RDPstate var if NMAP scan is successful
    	RDPstate=$(awk '/(3389)/ && /(open)/ {print "open"}' $PathHere/NMAPout)
    	if [ ! $RDPstate ]; then RDPstate="closed"; fi
    	echo "...RDP port is currently $RDPstate..."
    	sleep 5
    # now we can fire up rdesktop
    echo "Launching rdesktop session..."
    #You can launch in seamlessrdp mode if you want to...
    rdesktop localhost:3389 -z -x l &
    # clean up before exit
    rm $PathHere/NMAPout
    exit 0
    The script requires nmap, install it with the following and make the executable.
    sudo apt-get install nmap
    sudo chmod +x /home/yourhomedir/
    Step 2

    For auto shutdown Virtual Machine on reboot/shutdown, download vboxcontrol, follow the instructions here


    I did not let vboxcontrol autostart my Virtual Machines, because it screws up my PluseAudio for some reason. So I modified the script with "sudo gedit /etc/init.d/vboxcontrol" see the bold text:

    #! /bin/sh
    # Provides: virtualbox_vms
    # Required-Start:    $local_fs $syslog $remote_fs
    # Required-Stop:     $local_fs $syslog $remote_fs
    # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
    # Short-Description: Control VirtualBox Virtual Machine instances
    # Version 2008051100 by Jochem Kossen <>
    # Released in the public domain
    # This file came with a README file containing the instructions on how
    # to use this script.
    . /lib/lsb/init-functions
    # Are we running from init?
    run_by_init() {
        ([ "$previous" ] && [ "$runlevel" ]) || [ "$runlevel" = S ]
    export PATH="${PATH:+$PATH:}/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    if [ -f $VBOXDIR/config ]; then
        . $VBOXDIR/config
        echo "ERROR: $VBOXDIR/config does not exist. Exiting."
        exit 1
    SU="su $VM_USER -c"
    VBOXMANAGE="VBoxManage -nologo"
    # Determine if USE_NAT is set to "yes"
    use_nat() {
        if [ "$USE_NAT" = "yes" ]; then
            return `true`
            return `false`
    # Bring up the bridge interface
    enable_bridge() {
        # If NAT is enabled, don't do anything
        use_nat && return
        # Load the tun module
        if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]; then
            modprobe tun
        brctl addbr br0 || /bin/true
        # Disable $HOST_IF; host will use br0 instead
        ifdown $HOST_IF
        ifconfig $HOST_IF promisc
        brctl addif br0 $HOST_IF
        # Bring up br0
        ifup br0
        # Answer ARP requests for $HOST_IP (which now come on br0) with the MAC
        # address of $HOST_IF
        arp -Ds $HOST_IP $HOST_IF pub
    # Bring down the bridge interface
    disable_bridge() {
        # If NAT is enabled, don't do anything
        use_nat && return
        ifdown br0
        brctl delbr br0
        ifup $HOST_IF
    # Activate tap interfaces
    enable_taps() {
        # If NAT is enabled, don't do anything
        use_nat && return
        for TAP in $TAPS; do
            # Check if $TAP is configured already
            ifconfig $TAP > /dev/null 2>&1
            if [ $? != 0 ]; then
                tunctl -t $TAP -u $VM_USER
                brctl addif br0 $TAP
                # Disable tap interfaces for host; guest will activate them for themselves
                ifconfig $TAP promisc
                # Enable proxy_arp so that ARP requests can be answered correctly
                # by the host
                echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$TAP/proxy_arp
                # Add a route for the tap device
                route add -host $HOST_IP dev $TAP
                log_failure_msg "Interface $TAP already configured"
    # Disable/deconfigure tap interfaces
    disable_taps() {
        # If NAT is enabled, don't do anything
        use_nat && return
        for TAP in $TAPS; do
            route del -host $HOST_IP dev $TAP
            brctl delif br0 $TAP
            tunctl -d $TAP
    # Check for running machines every few seconds; return when all machines are
    # down
    wait_for_closing_machines() {
        RUNNING_MACHINES=`$SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | wc -l`
        if [ $RUNNING_MACHINES != 0 ]; then
            sleep 5
    # RUN
    case "$1" in
            if [ -f /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled ]; then
                if [ ! `use_nat` ]; then
                    chown root.vboxusers /dev/net/tun
                    chmod 0660 /dev/net/tun
    #            else
    # Configure Networking...
    #                 chown root.vboxusers /dev/net/tun
                     tunctl -t tap1 -u edmondt
                     ifconfig tap1
                cat /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled | while read VM; do
                    log_action_msg "Starting VM: $VM ..."
    #                $SU "$VBOXMANAGE startvm \"$VM\" -type vrdp"
            # NOTE: this stops all running VM's. Not just the ones listed in the
            # config
            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | while read VM; do
                log_action_msg "Shutting down VM: $VM ..."
                $SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm \"$VM\" acpipowerbutton"
    #            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm \"$VM\" savestate"
            if [ ! `use_nat` ]; then
            log_action_msg "Starting VM: $2 ..."
            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE startvm \"$2\" -type vrdp"
            log_action_msg "Stopping VM: $2 ..."
            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm \"$2\" acpipowerbutton"
            log_action_msg "Powering off VM: $2 ..."
            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm \"$2\" poweroff"
            log_action_msg "The following virtual machines are currently running:"
            $SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | while read VM; do
                echo -n "$VM ("
                echo -n `$SU "VBoxManage showvminfo $VM|grep Name:|sed -e 's/^Name:\s*//g'"`
                echo ')'
            log_failure_msg "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|start-vm <VM name>|stop-vm <VM name>|poweroff-vm <VM name>|bridge-up|bridge-down|taps-up|taps-down}"
            exit 3
    exit 0

    Step 3

    On System > Preference > Session, under Start Up Programs Add...

    Name: Start VirtualBox
    Command: sh /home/yourhomedir/
    Comment: Start virtualbox and rdesktop

    Step 4

    Now your VM should autostart and rdesktop should auto load, it look a little ugly, but we will change that...

    Open Terminal and launch

    ccsm &
    Disable window borders for rdesktop and shadows:

    Goto: Window Decoration
    Decoration windows: any & !(class=rdesktop)
    Shadow windows: & !(type=Dock) & !(class=rdesktop)

    Goto: Window Rules
    • Enable Window Rules.

    Skip taskbar: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Skip pager: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Fullscreen: title=rdesktop - localhost
    No ARGB visuals: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Non movable windows: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Non minimizable windows: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Non maximizable windows: title=rdesktop - localhost
    Non closable windows: title=rdesktop - localhost

    Goto: Place Windows
    • Enable Place Windows.

    Under Fixed Window Placement, Add Viewport positioned windows:

    Viewport positioned windows: (class=rdesktop) & title=rdesktop - localhost
    X Viewport Positions: 1
    Y Viewport Positions: 0

    This is optional, it is more productive for me when I enable Edge Flip Pointer, when my mouse is over the edge of the screen, it switches to Viewport 1 (Where rdesktop is running).

    Under Rotate Cube, check Edge Flip Pointer

    Try to run the script, *fingers crossed* once windows is running, we would still need to resize the Virtual Machine Resolution:

    My hp tx1000 runs at 1280x800, I would just need to make my VM a little bit shorter to fit the top and bottom gnome bars:

    VBoxManage controlvm "XP" setvideomodehint 1280 760 32
    Resize your VM to your situation, since some people only have the bottom bars

    That should be about it, I will keep updating this thread for instructions as to how to change the default shell on windows... I hope this is helpful


    2008.11.07 - I Upgraded to 8.10 and made some changes (see post 11)
    2010.03.01 - Changed the port number from 4000 to 3389 (Thanks "Ng Oon-Ee"). Looking at updating this HOWTO...
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    Last edited by edmondt; March 2nd, 2010 at 11:05 PM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    So now you should be able to rotate your cube back and forth with your mouse from ubuntu and windows like this:

    It is time to replace the windows shell into something lighter, like GeoShell (download here). Install it then goto C:\GeoShell\Utilities and run GeoSkin.exe and choose the skin you like, the one I use was "silver_luna" (see attached), I have modified the colors a little bit to make it nicer looking.

    Now you have the best of both worlds Feel free to ask questions

    *Attached the Elementary Wallpaper by lehighost
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    Last edited by edmondt; October 8th, 2008 at 08:00 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    This howto surely promises a miracle to happen. Unfortunately I'm stuck on various positions.

    1. Step 2. The script (both original and modified version) doesn't seem to work when you get configuration from DHCP server (there is no mention of this problem on the meagre documentation from Am I correct?

    I know other solution to the bridging problem - one which doesn't require so much scripting. You edit the /etc/network/intefaces:

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
    auto tap0
    iface tap0 inet manual
    tunectl_user <user name, who runs VBox>
    auto br0
    iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0 tap0
    bridge_maxwait 0
    Be warned, that with this solution only one user can use bridged networking.

    3. When I use the bridge config as above, I still couldn't get the script "" to connect with the rdp port. The script get stuck at displaying endlessly "...RDP port is currently closed...". As a workaround I can suggest waiting a minute until Windows boots, and then typing in the terminal "rdesktop <ip.address.of.vbox.guest>". Or get used to using your Ubuntu as a root on regular basis, because the script "" uses nmap, which successfully probes the 3389 port only when ran by root...

    4. Multiuser environment. Is it possible to have VBox running if you are not the same user, who installed the ubuntu (and not root, of course)? I didn't have much luck due to the network bridging problems.

    * * * *

    So, in short. Is it possible to have this perfect Ubuntu + Windows integration when you are not root, and, if yes, what are the minimal rights the user should have (beyond being a member of "vboxusers" group, having a right to read VBox configuration files and having read & write access to the VBox virtual harddrive)?
    Last edited by Adam Ryczkowski; October 13th, 2008 at 11:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    Try adding the following to rc.local should work too:

    sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

    echo "Setting up tap0 interface..."
    tunctl -t tap1 -u yourusername
    ifconfig tap1
    Instead of modifying /etc/network/intefaces and see if you can rdp to the VM.

    I did not know that nmap in only works if you are root, I am actually running as a user and it works for me.

    edmondt@edmondt-laptop:~$ nmap -p 3389 localhost
    Starting Nmap 4.53 ( ) at 2008-10-14 16:06 EDT
    Interesting ports on localhost (
    3389/tcp open  ms-term-serv
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.053 seconds
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Ryczkowski View Post
    This howto surely promises a miracle to happen. Unfortunately I'm stuck on various positions.

    1. Step 2. The script (both original and modified version) doesn't seem to work when you get configuration from DHCP server (there is no mention of this problem on the meagre documentation from Am I correct?

    I know other solution to the bridging problem - one which doesn't require so much scripting. You edit the /etc/network/intefaces:

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
    auto tap0
    iface tap0 inet manual
    tunectl_user <user name, who runs VBox>
    auto br0
    iface br0 inet dhcp
    bridge_ports eth0 tap0
    bridge_maxwait 0
    Be warned, that with this solution only one user can use bridged networking.

    3. When I use the bridge config as above, I still couldn't get the script "" to connect with the rdp port. The script get stuck at displaying endlessly "...RDP port is currently closed...". As a workaround I can suggest waiting a minute until Windows boots, and then typing in the terminal "rdesktop <ip.address.of.vbox.guest>". Or get used to using your Ubuntu as a root on regular basis, because the script "" uses nmap, which successfully probes the 3389 port only when ran by root...

    4. Multiuser environment. Is it possible to have VBox running if you are not the same user, who installed the ubuntu (and not root, of course)? I didn't have much luck due to the network bridging problems.

    * * * *

    So, in short. Is it possible to have this perfect Ubuntu + Windows integration when you are not root, and, if yes, what are the minimal rights the user should have (beyond being a member of "vboxusers" group, having a right to read VBox configuration files and having read & write access to the VBox virtual harddrive)?
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  5. #5
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    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    Your comments about other 'integration 'solutions are spot on, I also strugled with this. I wanted the same (VirtualBox, autostart and connect via rdesktop), but I've taken a slightly different and IMHO much simplier route, to accomplish almost the same as your goal.

    First of all, host interfacing is not needed in this setup. I can see in the script that rdesktop connects to localhost. The problem is that by using vboxcontrol, this automatically sets these host interfaces for you. Host interfacing almost always leeds to problems, see example(s) in this thread, so if you don't need it, don't set it up.

    For autoshutdown I use VBoxControl (a toolset I created myself, see my sig; I apologize for this shameless plug!). VBoxControl does not setup host interfacing, so this can not cause problems.

    Next, I don't have a problem with audio on my setup: Hardy, VBox 2.0.2, Windows 2000 with guest additions. Maybe your problem has to do with a different sound setting in VBox (mine is on ALSA) or something else, user/machine specific.

    Autostart at boot time was no problem for me, again using VBoxTool.

    You always start rdesktop within Although that's nice, I opted for making a starter, pointing to rdesktop.

    In short these are the steps:

    1. Download and install VBoxTool

    2. Create /etc/vboxtool/machines.conf:

    Windows 2000,3391
    3391 is offcourse the VRDP-port on which rdesktop can connect. VBoxTool configures this on startup.

    3. Create /etc/vboxtool/vboxtool.conf:

    vbox_user='<user name>'
    4. Reboot your system OR issue the following command:

    vboxtool autostart
    By now, session(s) should be running and configured.

    5. Check if sessions or running, with the assumed vrdp-port:

    vboxtool showrun
    6. Create a starter, with commandline:

    rdesktop localhost:3391 -T "Windows 2000"
    That's it. It doesn't do everything just as fancy your solution does, but it is very easy to setup.

    Last edited by markba; November 5th, 2008 at 11:09 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Detroit, Michigan

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    I'm sorry to say I was unable to get either one of these methods to work. I'm sure i did something wrong, as I've never really messed with rdesktop before, and am all but totally ignorant to the ways of networks and such.

    Edmont's method and install seemed to go OK, but after following all his instructions and the instructions for vboxcontrol, when I got to the final stage and tried to launch the script to start my rdesktop session for XP, I got an "invalid machine name" error in terminal. I'm not sure why, as the machine is simply-named "WinXP" and I made sure to change that where needed.

    I thought I'd try markba's method, as it seemed a little simpler and more likely to work for someone such as myself. After following all his instructions and issuing the rdesktop localhost:3391 -T "WinXP" command, I was promptly shot down with a "Connection Refused" message. Other commands from the vboxtools help file were also ineffective. Vboxtools start, for example, seemed to work (and a vboxtools showrun even listed my WinXP machine) but no window was open anywhere on any of my desktops.

    Can anybody tell me where I may have gone wrong or what to look for?
    I switched to Windows because of all the disappointment Linux brought me.

  7. #7
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    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    It seems like the vrdp-port is not configured.

    Did you configure /etc/vboxtool/machines.conf? In here, the VRDP-port has to be configured, something like this: Windows XP,3391,

    Does 'vboxtool showrun' reveal a configured vrdp-port?

    This is some sample output on my machine:

    $ vboxtool showrun
    Windows 2000 Fixed (1): state=running vrdp=3391 cpu=2.0% mem=234m
    Also, configuration only takes place when issuing 'vboxtool autostart', only on sessions *not* running. Note that this command is automatically executed on boot.

    Looking back, I think, my implementation plan lacks some steps.
    Last edited by markba; November 5th, 2008 at 07:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Detroit, Michigan

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    Quote Originally Posted by markba View Post
    It seems like the vrdp-port is not configured.

    Did you configure /etc/vboxtool/machines.conf? In here, the VRDP-port has to be configured, something like this: Windows XP,3391,

    Does 'vboxtool showrun' reveal a configured vrdp-port?

    This is some sample output on my machine:

    $ vboxtool showrun
    Windows 2000 Fixed (1): state=running vrdp=3391 cpu=2.0% mem=234m
    Also, configuration only takes place when issuing 'vboxtool autostart', only on sessions *not* running. Note that this command is automatically executed on boot.

    Looking back, I think, my implementation plan lacks some steps.
    Should I use the name of the machine itself ("WinXP") or, as you list it ("Windows XP")

    I can make it work if I issue the command rdesktop localhost:3391 -T "WinXP" from a terminal, but if I try to use the vboxtool start command, it fails.

    Here's the output of vboxtool showrun:
    zero@zero-laptop:~$ vboxtool showrun
     New Filter 1
     SanDisk Corporation U3 Cruzer Micro [0010]
     USB DISK 2.0 [0100] (vrdp=3391): running (cpu=8%, mem=405m)
    EDIT: After killing my rdesktop sessions (by doing killall rdesktop at a terminal - I didn't have any titlebar or any other way to kill it) now I can't connect with the rdesktop command like before. Here's the error I get now:
    zero@zero-laptop:~$ rdesktop zero-laptop:3391 -T "WinXP"
    Autoselected keyboard map en-us
    ERROR: connect: Connection refused
    Which is different than it was before - it never said anything about keyboard selection.

    Thing is: Now I can connect using vboxtool autostart, and I do get output for vboxtool showrun, but there's still no window open and no XP desktop being shown.
    zero@zero-laptop:~$ vboxtool autostart
    Starting "WinXP
     New Filter 1
     SanDisk Corporation U3 Cruzer Micro [0010]
     USB DISK 2.0 [0100]" (vrdp=3391)
    Waiting for the remote session to open...
    Remote session has been successfully opened.
    zero@zero-laptop:~$ vboxtool showrun
     New Filter 1
     SanDisk Corporation U3 Cruzer Micro [0010]
     USB DISK 2.0 [0100] (vrdp=3391): running (cpu=10%, mem=401m)
    Last edited by detroit/zero; November 5th, 2008 at 09:07 PM.
    I switched to Windows because of all the disappointment Linux brought me.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Detroit, Michigan

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    OK, OK... wait. Stop.

    I must have slept through something I was doing last night when I followed these instructions.

    I didn't realize that the vboxtool autostart command was being issued at machine startup.

    This explains why I'm getting the "connection refused" output in the terminal - there's no vm running after I did a vboxtool stop.

    Now, at a freshly started session, if I bring up a terminal and do the rdesktop command as outlined above, I get a window showing my XP-VM desktop. Except there's no window decorations - no titlebar, no min/max buttons, no borders, nothing. And, it opens on whatever desktop I happen to be working off of.

    How do I set window rules in CCSM for it? Is the rdesktop window titled "WinXP" if my command is rdesktop localhost:3391 -T "WinXP"? That's what the -T switch is, right - the window title?

    EDIT: Ok, I figured that out on my own. I guess I'll just quit making posts until I'm done monkeying around. You'll have to excuse me - I drank a lot of coffee today.
    Last edited by detroit/zero; November 5th, 2008 at 09:57 PM.
    I switched to Windows because of all the disappointment Linux brought me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The Netherlands

    Re: HOWTO: Perfect VirtualBox Integration (auto start, rdesktop on workspace 2, etc).

    Quote Originally Posted by detroit/zero View Post
    I must have slept through something I was doing last night when I followed these instructions.
    I am to blame. I adapted the implementation steps (added task 4 + 5), so it should be comprehensive right now.

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